Parking Structures

Successful integration of parking structures is often key to the design and implementation of most modern environments. At IES, we have wide-ranging experience in the planning, design, and implementation of functional and innovative parking structures.

Northwest Vista Parking Garage

San Antonio, Texas


SF: 250,000 SF

The 250,000 SF garage is designed to accommodate 750 vehicles on 5 parking levels.Designed withstrong vertical articulation at the circulation to capture the style of other new structures on the campus,the project features glass, metal, and masonry stair towers capped by a metal clad roof. For the parkingbays a deceptively simple set of curved perforated screens mask the horizontal parking levels and addcolor, scale, texture and rhythm to the structure. Parking bays are laid out in the most efficient two-baymodule with ramped parking along the south side and flat bays on the north side. The structure is sitedto comfortably fit in the existing Northwest Vista campus and nestles next to a reserved naturalarea.Locating the structuresitting on an existing parking field minimizes the environmental impact andno trees needed be removed from the campus to accommodate this new parking.

More Parking Structures Projects

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